Control plate of siren and alarm lamp mounted in driver's cab
Adjustable volume alarm apparatus
Red flashing alarm light bar 100w mounted on the front roof of vehicle and with 3 pieces lights
Red flashing alarm lamps four sides of vehicle outside roof
Composite material interior decoration in patient compartment
Medicine cabinet
Oxygen cylinders 10L
Ultraviolet radiation disinfector light
Dirt bucket
Individual seat
Long bench one piece (suitable for 3 people) with safe belts, mounted in right side of patient's compartmentA foldable doctor seat (with safe belt) mounted to floor near to compartment wall
Partition wall between driver's cab and patient's compartment, a glass window in wall to make observation
12V light lamp
Intelligent inverted power supply system (12-220V) 500W
220V wall outlet
Interior medical floor
Cross mark outside marking
The original air conditioning is installed in driver's cab and in patient's compartment
Exhaust system is installed on patient's compartment roof
Multi-functional interior roof in patient's compartment, with handrail, transfusion hanging bracket
Portable and foldable stretcher
Automatic loading-and-unloading stretcher
Hand-free intercom system between driver's cab and patient's compartment
100W loud speaker
Oxygen reducing valve
Fire extinguisher